Join Us for the MERC Summit


MERC conference June 29 2023 Highland Springs


All Welcome: MERC Summit 2023 

Updated June 18, 2023

The MERC Summit will bring together stakeholders from educational research, policy, and practice to collaboratively develop practical strategies for addressing enduring and emerging issues in public schools.

There are special rates for MERC members (Chesterfield, Goochland, Hanover, Henrico, Petersburg, Richmond, and VCU) and students, and lunch is included in the price of admission. 

All participants will receive a certificate for eight contact hours for continuing education credit. 

The summit will be held at Highland Springs High School (new location) l on Thursday, June 29, 8:30 am to 5 pm.

All are welcome to attend.  Hosted by the VCU School of Education’s Metropolitan Educational Research Consortium, the conference program and registration info is here: