Alumni Engagement

Introducing the School of Education alumni engagement officer

Get to know Rachel Zeeve: Fun facts and more

VCU Alumni expanded its team this past fall with the addition of a new role: the alumni engagement officer. With six AEOs onboard, they’re now busy planning and executing dynamic programming for VCU’s colleges and schools, all geared toward boosting alumni involvement and support. 

Rachel Zeeve, alumni engagement officer for the School of Education, gives us a glimpse into who she is beyond her CV.

What’s the most important item on your bucket list (if you have a bucket list)? I would love to travel more! Switzerland, Ireland, Japan … not even sure where I would start.

What was your favorite subject in school? As someone who has always loved writing analytical pieces and engaging in hands-on learning, I am enjoying the capstone course of the M.P.A. program in the Wilder School. I’ll graduate in July.

What’s something most people don’t know about you? I am a competitive Olympic weightlifter. I’ve been training for about four years and have competed at the Arnold Sports Festival in Ohio twice and have also competed in meets around Richmond and Northern Virginia.

What’s your favorite way to unwind? Going to the gym or spending time with my cat, Nemo.

What’s your favorite local restaurant/food truck/brewery?  Garnett’s Cafe, Stella’s Grocery and Perly’s are at the top of my list.

What is your top priority for engaging alumni? My top priority for engaging alumni is to create meaningful opportunities to connect with the VCU community. Alumni have such diverse ranges of experiences and perspectives, and building supportive spaces and networks for them to share those insights is my goal.

Do you have a city or spot Rachel should add to her list of trips to take? Or do you want to learn more about how you can connect with the School of Education? Email her at

Rachel Zeeve
VCU School of Education's Alumni Engagement Officer
Phone: (804) 828-6706
Pronouns: She/her

A teacher stands in the middle of a classroom of students.

At the VCU School of Education, we take an interactive approach to engaging with our alumni. This means we not only want to share what we're all about, we also want to find out what you're all about. When we do this, we contribute to a spirit of community among current and future alumni, while also strengthening our School and the VCU community.

Let's Stay Connected

  • Like our Facebook page, tag two current or future educators, and use the hashtag #soeshareyourwhy to enter to win an SOE swag bag sent to your home!
  • Complete our Alumni Referral form to show your support for a colleague, family member or friend who you think would be a great educator. Select accepted referred students are eligible to apply for a book scholarship.

Top 5 Ways for SOE Alumni To Stay Engaged

  1. Volunteer to be a speaker at an upcoming event
  2. Participate in mentorship opportunities
  3. Register for one of our upcoming programs and events
  4. Join our Education Alumni Council
  5. Download the VCU Alumni app to stay in touch with all the ways to engage